
February- Fair Trade, Love Hearts and Pancakes!

Here's what we're up to in February!
Valentines 14th
Shrove Tuesday 21st
Fairtrade Fortnight 27th Feb- 11th March

Problem Solving, Reasoning and Numeracy
Help chn to cut out 5 small red paper hearts, then label them 1 to 5. Invite child to hide the 5 hearts around the setting and to give clues to me so that I can find them. Swap roles. When the 5 have been found, help the children to sort them into numerical order.

Hide a larger heart for babies to discover.

Personal, Social and Emotional Development
Use a photograph of someone special or group family photo. Help child to glue it onto a piece of heart shaped card. Invite them to decorate the space around the photo- glitter, beads etc. Help the child to sign their name on the back and the child can give it as a special gift for Valentines day.

Love this hearts and feelings book from Chapel Hill Snippets. Free to download!

For babies- looking at photographs of special people and talking about them.

Communication, Language and Literacy
Fairtrade Fortnight- 27th Feb- using large roll of paper and poster paints on trays, paint our feet to make paint footprints on the paper! Talk about how we can all take small steps to change  things. Go to the supermarket to look for the fair-trade sign on products. Make a list of which  ones we see. Buy some too!

Knowledge and Understanding of the World
Sweet and savoury- make some pancakes for the children- talk about Shrove Tuesday (pancake Day) this is the last day before a period of time that Christians call Lent when people often give up certain foods for 40 days. Pancakes contain fat, butter and eggs which are forbidden during Lent. Ask chn to choose which filling they would like to try in their pancakes and discuss what we mean by sweet and savoury.

Lemon Curd and cream, Raspberries and cream, Cheese and ham, Apple and Bacon with Maple syrup.

Fairtrade Fortnight- on 27th Feb  give out ‘What is Fairtrade’ cards. Ask children where our food comes from. Establish that it comes from across the world- e.g bananas, coffee, tea, chocolate. Talk about the content- what it means.  Each child will have a little pack to take home-  postcards and some Fairtrade Chocolate!

Creative development
Decorating trinket boxes as gifts for Valentines. Making heart shaped cookies to fit inside them.

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