
My Newest Obsession

It's a virtual pinboard for collecting gorgeous pictures for projects such as decorating your home or planning your wedding. It frees up space on your hard drive- that's got to be good. "It's just for birds," according to my husband - I think he's right! Either way, I don't care, it feeds my need for order and organization and makes me want to lead a more creative life! I keep finding things that inspire me- things I want to make and things I want to cook. So far I have created several boards for things I am currently obsessed with- e.g Bento Boxes and Girls' Bedrooms and then found 'warm and fuzzy' pictures to 'pin' onto my boards! I have uploaded or 'pinned' one or two of my own pictures and you can pin photos from anywhere on the net too. Other people can view your boards and follow you and vice versa. You can request to join and then you are accepted by invitation! As a member, you can then invite your friends.

Here's a tutorial on how to use it - The Weekend Homemaker.

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