
It's Fashionable to be Frugal

Which is a good job, since TWH and I are experiencing what we've named 'Our Poverty Years' with one main wage coming in and only my piddly Statutory Maternity Pay to top it up. I became a frugalista after having Mo Mo and realising that I really didn't need to have every baby gadget on the market, and I certainly didn't need to buy new all the time. A few years ago, I hate to admit that I wouldn't be caught dead trawling through charity shops for toy bargains or going to car boot sales. These days, I am a complete convert and it seems everbody is at it- especially my fellow mummy friends. We are always on the look out for a bargain for our little ones. I have ended up with some absolute bargains and have even done my own stall at our local boot sale-Kids Car Boot and Swap Shop! They should have these everywhere! My favourite sites for bargain hunting are PrelovedNetmums and my local Freecycle. (I'm having an Ebay amnesty at the moment as something always seems to go wrong when I attempt to sell anything!) I also discovered Green Metropolis some time ago- a great place to recycle your old books. And it's not just about recycling or re-using, I am always looking out for the best deal. I find what I want in the shops and then go home and trawl the net for the best price on it. I do my Tesco shopping online- as even though there is a delivery charge, I am saving money by  not browsing and buying stuff we don't need. It's so easy to pop in for a pint of milk and end up coming out £16 lighter! I'm trying to be less wasteful with food and planning our weekly menus, rather than leaving it to the last minute.

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